You might recognize the resources available by Potamitis Publishing as they are starting to become more popular amongst Orthodox Christians worldwide, but if you haven't visited their website, check it out for printable connect-the-dot activities, online puzzles and coloring sheets. It's very kid friendly!

Here's the Children's Corner where you can print many activities!
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What a great resource. My koumbaroi from Athens had sent these books to my children a few months ago and they love them. I also noticed that St. Vladimir's Seminary is selling these in English. They would make a fantastic gift for any Orthodox child. Thank you for sharing the link.
Thank you so much for sharing thsis link. The other day I was asking some moms at church (since a lot homeschool) if they knew anywhere on the web I could get some coloring pages for Niko. Well, here they are!! Thanks so much! I hope you are doing well - have a wonderful weekend.
Unfortunately, they have shut down their kids corner. :( Too many people were abusing its content. They do however, have some AMAZING new coloring books out! We now use those instead.
Hope you have a blessed Holy Week! Kali Anastasi!!
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