"The solution is to be found through the sanctification of the parents. Become saints and you will have no problems with your children." Father Porphyrios , Wounded By Love

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Showing posts with label Journaling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journaling. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2024

The "Orthodox Kids Journal Project"

NEW: Introducing a free weekly curriculum to create Orthodox Christian Kids Journals about our  faith! Each week, come back to this website and download the handout to print yourselves.

The handouts cover a topic from the Church year including quotes, miracle stories, maps, troparions, icons and Orthodox art.

As we discuss the components of the lesson, students are actively listening while they color, cut, and glue a memorable resource to keep for the rest of their lives! Often, students contribute stories they have heard, or if they have that particular Saints' icon at home, or if they have ever venerated a relic, traveled to that country etc. This method proves to be a wonderful tool to create lasting beauty as students develop a greater understanding for the Orthodox Church year in the midst of open dialogue.

Join with us and share! CLICK HERE

Here are the files currently available to follow the Church year from September to May:

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Holy Week Kids Orthodox Chart

Download for free and print this helpful lesson in chart format HERE to remind your students about each day of Holy Week in the Orthodox Church. The PDF file is filled with icons and a short description that is easily understood to enrich your experience to Pascha!

The second page includes my original Pascha Poem, along with
the Greek text to Xristos Anesti.

Holy Monday- Joseph
Holy Tuesday- Ten Virgins
Holy Weds - Betrayal of Judas
Holy Thurs - Mystical Supper
Holy Friday- Crucifixion
Holy Saturday- Empty Tomb
Holy Sunday - Resurrection of Christ

Join our Orthodox Kids Journal Project. All files are located here.

Wishing you and your families a blessed Pascha 2019!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Ascension Orthodox Worksheet

Download and print this worksheet for the upcoming feast of the Ascension of Christ.
We will discuss how Christ appeared for the forty day period after Pascha, but at different times in different ways. It is a great opportunity to also identify the Apostles with their names and countries to which they preached. This of course, if the post-Pascha story, where the disciples go out into the world as the WITNESSES of Christ and His Resurrection.

This worksheet is our 27th entry in our Orthodox Journal Project which can be found here along with all of the documents needed to participate!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Presentation of Christ: Churching a Baby

For this week's lesson on Ypapanti : or the Presentation of Christ to the Temple we reflected on our own 40-Day blessing to record that in our "Orthodox Christian Kids Journals."  You can access the free download here:

The handout includes a coloring icon of the Presentation Icon, a prayer for the infant, a True or False about the mother bringing the child, and a quote to trace.

Again, I hope your students enjoy coloring, cutting and pasting these fun boxes into to journals they are decorating
as a keepsake of our Orthodox Christian faith.

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