"The solution is to be found through the sanctification of the parents. Become saints and you will have no problems with your children." Father Porphyrios , Wounded By Love

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Showing posts with label Annunciation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annunciation. Show all posts

Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Annunciation - God's Calling & Your Vocation

For this year's Feast of the Annunciation, here are a few talking points to discuss with your group of kids and teenagers along with the following FREE worksheets. Discovering their talents and God-given gifts is a honorable exercise that will boost their self-confidence. Every child should be taught that they were created special by our Good and Loving God, who desires for each persont to come to know Him. We are all called to be saints and share in His holiness, so that we can love our God and Our Neighbor. Consider how you can engage your local students in such a search for vocation, and enjoy leanring how the Saints responded to God's calling TO BE HOLY AS HE IS HOLY! :
1- The world would be different if Mary did not answer with faith and obedience 2 - How did God prepare Mary for her role? 3 - Did she have free will to choose her future? 4 - How with faith did she trust God in His purpose, humbly, without doubting? 5- Was she fulfilled in her life with this path?

Monday, March 25, 2019

Annunciation Orthodox Lesson

Use this free handout to learn the story of the great feastday of the Annunciation in the Orthodox Christian Church. The file can be downloaded for free here.

This worksheet is also the next entry in our Orthodox Kids Journals here progressing thru the Church year with glue, scissors and colors!

Crossword Answer Key:

1. Luke
2. Yes
3. Womb
4. Virgin
5.( Across) Gabriel
5. (Down) Generations
6. Rejoice
7. Obedience
8. Isaiah
9. Theotokos
10. Joseph

Sunday, November 27, 2011

New Book for Orthodox Children

Introducing the first book, "Our Hymn to the Mother of God" as part of a full-color hard bound Orthodox children's series now available for purchase by the Sisters of All Saints Greek Orthodox Monastery in Calverton, Long Island, New York. It has been a joy to work with them to publish this special project, as their idea of using the hymnology of the Church to retell the story to children just couldn't be more appropriate!

The spiritual poetry on each page is matched with wonderful original illustrations by Sister Theonymphi in the style of Byzantine iconography, which means you won't find anything theologically wrong like a cartoon image of Christ! The heavenly scenes will inspire all children to contemplate our Almighty God.

Here are a few sneak peaks, and the information for ordering: The sisters hope to soon make their copies available through Amazon online, as well as parish bookstores, etc.
ISBN Number: 978-0-9835602-0-3

All Saints Greek Orthodox Monastery
1676 Middle Road
Calverton, NY 11933

Order by Phone: (631) 439-5603
Order by E-mail: hagionpanton@gmail.com

The next books already in process are titled, 

"Our Hymn for the Nativity" and  

"Our Hymn for Holy Pascha"

Pre-orders are already being accepted.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Magnet

In conjunction with the great and holy feast of the Annunciation, I like using the analogy of a magnet to communicate the message that the Lord was "with" Panagia. A magnet has the ability to attract, with great strength that which it is drawn to. But it also has the potential of repelling that which it does not want.

For Orthodox Christians, the Theotokos (Mother of God) by exercising her God-given discernment, repelled all doubt and distraction from the evil one, and clung to the will of God instead. In this way, she reversed the curse of Eve, and made possible the incarnation of God. Yes, God had a plan for mankind, but He never forced it upon anyone. We offer praise and our thanksgiving to Panagia because she made the choice that we all strive to imitate. Could it be that her "yes" was made possible through the numerous divine virtues she had attracted? (patience, humility, faithfulness, courage, chastity, gratitude, wisdom and ultimately love for God)

We can look to the upbringing and lifestyle of the Theotokos to understand just how God prepared her. Growing up in the Temple, and more specifically the Holy of Holies, she heard the divine Scriptures daily, and praised God with hymns of doxology from a young age. Dedicated in purity and virginity, she was focused on pleasing God rather than her peers. Even her activities were holy, for she like other young maidens, would spend their time sewing the curtain for the Temple. (We see the Panagia holding yarn in some icons of the Annunciation) In all things, she was attached to God!

Now, the tough question to ask ourselves:

What sort of magnet are we?


Experiment with small magnets to attract and repel various items.
Try to connect the results to our faith.

Metal Spoons & Cookware = our love of food
Computer Tower = time using technology
Coins (won't stick) = symbol of wealth
Keys = Our ideal cars, or the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Lastly, consider how a compass works with your kids and teens. Ask yourselves: In which direction is our needle drawn? Does our path lead to God and His Kingdom? If we see ourselves and the needle of our compass unsteady, may we cry out to the Mother of God for her help and intercessions before God, so that we too may respond to His call with courage and say, "be it unto me according to thy word" - St. Luke 1:38

"Today is the beginning of our salvation,
The revelation of the eternal mystery!
The Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin
As Gabriel announces the coming of Grace.
Together with him let us cry to the Theotokos:
Rejoice, O Full of Grace,
The Lord is with You!"

Troparion (Tone 4) of the Annunciation

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