"The solution is to be found through the sanctification of the parents. Become saints and you will have no problems with your children." Father Porphyrios , Wounded By Love

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Showing posts with label Transfiguration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transfiguration. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Metamorphosis Transfiguration



Main Entry: meta·mor·pho·sis
Pronunciation: \ˌme-tə-ˈmȯr-fə-səs\
Function: noun

Etymology: Latin, from Greek metamorphōsis, from metamorphoun to transform, from meta- + morphē form. Date: 1533

1a: change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means

1b: a striking alteration in appearance, character, or circumstances

2: a typically marked and more or less abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal (as a butterfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching


If you've ever put two and two together, today's feast which we call the Transfiguration in English, is called "H Metamorfosi" in Greek, and what true beauty lies within this word. Imagine, for a brief moment, what Saints Peter, James, and John had the opportunity to witness. Without expecting anything, suddenly before them, Christ possibly likened to the average looking caterpillar, is transformed into something glorious and radiant, like the butterfly, glowing in the light of the Holy Spirit. As the definition above barely does justice,
"a striking alteration in appearance" happens - unexplainable really, in human words.

Then a voice from within the cloud of light speaks - it is God, the Father bearing witness to His Son. With awe and fear the Apostles fall to the ground, unable to even maintain eye contact. Then as they turn again to look, Christ is transformed back into the caterpillar we know so well, as one of us.

Today, the Church calls our attention to the words of Saint Peter in his second epistle, first chapter, so that we don't think in today's terms, that maybe this didn't really happen but instead is some sort of parable. Rather, we read, "We were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory,saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain."

If we look deeper, we even find the path to our own "metamorphosis" spelled out...

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world..."

From the constraints of the cocoon, we can be set free, no longer as hostages, but rather as inheritors of eternal life in the perfect freedom of His love.

~ I wish you all a blessed feast! ~

Monday, June 28, 2021

Transfiguration Journey

UPDATE: WORKSHEETS & ICON available here for free download 

For this activity, you'll need a few blindfolds, a Bible, an icon of the Transfiguration, and a lot of trust! Our goal is to lead the children or teens on a journey to understanding God better. Remember, Peter, James, and John were still not able to identify Christ as God before the Transfiguration happened on Mt Tabor. We say that their eyes were yet to be illumined...

To begin, consider your surroundings: your home, a park, the Church? Where might you hide the icon of the Transfiguration, so that you can lead the children or teens to it? Can you climb up stairs, while holding hands blindfolded, to simulate ascending Mt Tabor? Can you convince them to trust you, while they are uncertain where you are going, and why? When you arrive at your destination, only then can the blindfolds be removed, hands let go, and the story revealed.

ASK: Who do you say I am?
ANSWER: Come with me, and you will see

Explain that God had a very important message for the disciples before His crucifixion, just like Moses who climbed Mt Sinai to receive the 10 Commandments. Like them, you have ascended to a high place to learn about who Christ is. How did it feel trusting the leader? Are they ready to see why they've taken this journey?

Ask one of the children to read out loud Matthew 17:1-9.

Next review the icon together and identify why each person was there: Moses, represents the Jewish Law, Elijah, represents the Prophets, Peter, James and John, represent all those alive in Christ. The Holy Trinity is also present. Can they identify how? The Father speaks, Christ is present both fully divine and human, and the Holy Spirit is the Holy Light surrounding Christ.

Complete the discussion by asking the children to draw out the important lessons they have learned about God. What did He want to teach us?

* That Jesus is fully God and fully Man

* That Jesus is the bridge of the past, present, and future:
by having present Moses, Elijah, and the new disciples

* That God is the Holy Trinity

* That we too can become like Christ, transfigured and
radiant with the Holy Spirit

Along your journey back, chat with the kids/teens about the timing of this event in Christ's life and explain that the Transfiguration happened right before Jesus was to be crucified. For us today, we can feel equipped with the Truth and prepared for the trials ahead of us, as the disciples did entering the Lord's Passion.

Please e-mail eleniemarie@gmail.com if you would like to receive the Word Scramble handout on this lesson or the icon larger which includes the journey up the mountain together and back down.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

FeastDay Word Scramble

Click the worksheet for a printable version for your kids & teens

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