"The solution is to be found through the sanctification of the parents. Become saints and you will have no problems with your children." Father Porphyrios , Wounded By Love

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Showing posts with label Gospels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospels. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Root of Jesse Tree: Christmas Activity

The sayings of the prophets are now fulfilled!

Use this study to learn the prophecies of the Old Testament with your children and teenagers. (Download the free printable PDF file here, in color or black/white.) All verses are weaved into the hymns of the Orthodox Church and chanted during the Christmas services. The richness and depth of the season is remarkable!
     Complete this "Root of Jesse Tree" by first gluing the Mother of God in place, and adding a prophet as you study them with the verses below. The tradition of this icon can often be found with an image of Jesse reclining at the bottom of the icon as the root - the Mother of God becomes the "rod" who springs forth the "fruit" who is Christ (2nd century Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons, St Ambrose of Milan, and 8th c St Cosmas)

Here are the memory verses:
  • A shoot will come forth from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. ( Isaiah 11:1)
  • Her womb was foreshadowed by the burning bush that was not consumed  (Exodus 3:2)
  • The Lord has created a new thing upon the earth: A woman shall compass a man (Jeremiah 31:22)
  •  Lord, the God of Israel has entered through the closed gate and it shall remain shut. (Ezekiel 44:2)
  •  Zion is our mother. a man shall say; and such a man was born in her: and the Most High Himself hath established her. (Psalm 87:5 David)
  • For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given (Isaiah 9:6)
  • Therefore my Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the concealed one shall conceive and bear a son, and she shall call his name Immanuel (Isa 7:14)

Discuss the symbolism & titles of Mary in the items that each Prophet carries:

Jacob: the Ladder (Genesis 28:12)
King David: the Ark of salvation
Aaron: the Rod/staff that budded fruit
Isaiah:  the Staff/Whip (10:26, 36:6)
Daniel: the Mount (2:35, 2:45)
Gideon: the Rock (Judges 6:20)
Moses: the Burning bush
Soloman: the Veil of the Temple 
Ezekiel: Gate of Life (Ezekiel 44:3) expressed Four Gospels (explained)

Zachariah: the Lampstand (chapter 4)

Read more excellent quotes of the Fathers here: http://orthodoxwiki.org/Root_of_Jesse

Friday, May 1, 2020

Pentecost Coloring Icon

The 12 disciples are seen in the icon of Pentecost gathered together waiting for the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit. The hymns of the Orthodox Church remind us that the Apostles are anticipating this moment with joy and gladness.  "I am with you, no one can be against you." (Kontakion of the feast of the holy Ascension)
Often, kids ask who is this man depicted in a crown, and what is he holding? He is the figure of the whole world, "O Kosmos"and he bears the twelve scrolls signifying the message of God's salvation that will go to all the lands through the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. Some of the Apostles will write the Gospel account. Find them with your children Sts Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the icon as they hold Gospel books. The other Apostles will write letters to be sent to the first Christian Churches, thereby holding scrolls in the icon.
Lastly, identify the symbolism of the Holy Spirit which descends as tongues of fire upon each head, granting the disciples the ability to speak in a language unknown to them for the benefit of those who heard the teaching. Remember, in Scripture we read how the sound came in like a rushing wind from heaven, uniting both what is above and what is on Earth!

The miracle of the feast of Pentecost was for a designated purpose. The Orthodox Christian Church does not believe in the belief of "speaking of tongues" in an unintelligible babbling that is practiced today in some communities, and sees this as possible demonic activity with another spirit, but not the Holy Spirit.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Show & Tell from the Altar

A Very Popular Activity
Using the handout below, consider introducing your young people to many of the items from the altar that they rarely get to see. Start with pictures if you'd like and ask your local priest to invite the kids for a close-up encounter! Can they find those items on the page? He can remove them and bring them to the Solea, or kids can stand at the royal doors and point to objects they'd like to see.

Here are a few items to identify and DISCUSS! (If you need more on the meaning of an item, its location in Scripture, or its name in Greek, please e-mail me as I have a great reference book of these things!)

The Altar itself as Paradise and the Holy of Holies
Antimension cloth to serve Liturgy on
Identify the Place of oblation Prothesis
Lance - Knife, double-edged spear which the soldier pierced Christ with on the cross
Star - placed over the Disk, as star which stood over Bethlehem at birth of Christ
Paten or Disk manger for Christ
Spoon - as the Angel used tongs to take the live coal to touch Isaiah's lips to take away his sins
Sponge - to dry chalice, but also as it was filled with vinegar for Christ on the Cross
Zeon - vessel for boiling water, as water and blood came from Christ's side, also our warm faith/zeal
Blessing Cross - always with right hand like Christ
Fans of Seraphim & Cherubim Angels surrounding God's throne

Any relics in reliquary?
Hand Censer -often without bells
Full Censer - Used by Aaron in the temple (1 Chronicles 23:13) Today with 12 bells for Apostles
Incense (smell!) Often handmade, for our prayers to rise to heaven
Holy Altar Table Made of stone (see 1 Cor 10:4), wrapped in clean white cloth as Christ was, and contains relics of Martyrs inside. Is also Golgatha where Christ sacrificed Himself, and His tomb)
Gospel (Find the 4 Evangelists) Christ, the Word, whom came into the world
Bishop's Throne
Bishop's Crown
Iconostasis – the curtain which divided the Tabernacle of the Old Testament into two parts, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Remember it was torn in two at the Crucifixion of Christ?
Vigil Lamp with oil- The oil symbolizes the peace and mercy of God. The lamps in front of Saints show how they became the “light of the world”

Priests Vestments - another activity with so much meaning! The cuffs, the stole, the girdle!

Have fun - and ask a small quiz all together to see who can remember the names of the items!

Click Here for the Altar Game Handout

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Gospels for Children

Here's a very nice resource to add to your weekly preparation
for the Divine Liturgy. At this link, you will find illustrated handouts for each Sunday's Gospel offered at five levels with discussion questions. The schedule is according to the Antiochian Orthodox so confirm it with your jurisdiction. For the icon coloring pages alone, it's beneficial! Just be sure to treat these as holy images, and never throw icons away in the garbage!

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