"The solution is to be found through the sanctification of the parents. Become saints and you will have no problems with your children." Father Porphyrios , Wounded By Love

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Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2024

Dwelling Place for Christmas

The Nativity lenten season has begun...
will God find an available "dwelling place" to be born?
Will there be room at our inn?

When He comes, as He did then to the city of Bethlehem, to knock on our doors....will there be room in our homes, in our hearts, and in the sometimes darkness of our lives for Panagia to lay and give birth to the giver of ever-lasting peace? What state will He find our caves in? Ready, asleep, or full to capacity with other things?

You see, the cave is not only a physical place of historical importance, but a spiritual metaphor for each one of us. Isn't it also interesting that so many monks/nuns in our Orthodox tradition took up residence in an actual cave, where they decorated it with icons and burning vigil lamps living their lives in complete concentration and stillness. Hence, the "Light was born into darkness." Literally, and symbolically.

How, might we ask, could God who is grander in size than any other "fit into" the smallness of our bodies and hearts? If He wanted to, couldn't He force out the things in His way to make room? Sure, He could, but He wouldn't. Instead, He invites us to do this work because it encourages a cooperation with Him. In fact, He asks that we do so, to put forth some effort.

You see, the greatest of man's sins and the true opposite of love is not hate, but actually "indifference."  We simply ignore Him everyday, and pretend He's not there. Like when we pass someone poor, in need on the street, and pretend we don't see them, even though our hearts feel differently.

If you choose and are willing try the following:

  • Give Him the greatest of gifts - your time and your attention. We do this by isolating ourselves in prayer, with the door shut behind us, and the television off. Eliminate all distractions.
  • Physically clean out space in your souls through fasting and confession. Even at the last hour if you have not yet done so, it is well worth it.
  • Lastly, shut out the consumerism and over commercialization of these holy days and fight to remain focused and available to Him. This has to be a conscientious choice.
Any other suggestions? Please leave a comment!

Wishing you and your families a truly joyful preparation this year of Christmas ~ 2014.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Great Lent Menu - Vegan Fasting

For the 40 day fast this year as Orthodox Christians, we'll try following a pre-planned menu to make life a bit more organized. This also allows someone else to do the grocery shopping for the week! I've included vegan lunch ideas that hopefully your kids will like as much as ours do! Please share your ideas in the comments. To follow a stricter budget, we make a large pot of soup for several days.

Fasting in the Orthodox Church for us means having foods on hand that are quick & vegan so we fill the pantry with only these options!

The 2nd and 4th weeks can be similar with fish added for the feast of the Annunciation. We'll trade out a few weeknight meals with Falafel, Green Beans Greek Style, Lentil Meat Loaf and Grilled Portabella Burgers.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Mona Lisa Makeover

Imagine someone walking into the art museum to do this to the Mona Lisa! They'd be arrested for graffiti, at a minimal I'm sure! Imagine the state of shock that Leonardo di Vinci would be in at such altercations to his masterpiece...., as if the way he created her is just not good enough! 

Yet everyday around the world, millions of young girls, college students, middle aged moms, and aging grandmoms apply lipstick, paint their nails, apply haircolor, enhance their body with implants, pierce their ears and endure the pain of getting a tatoo all to look more "beautiful" or just a bit younger. A little "blush" here and there....no harm done right? Besides, isn't it fun to be "girly?" Where's the harm in aiming to look 20 years younger?

Hasn't anyone ever said....you're already perfect...just the way you are! In fact, God likes you BEST without all that stuff! -You are perfect in His eyes! If He wanted our toenails purple, He would have made them that way. True beauty for the Christian is to be clothed in Christ and His Saints. looking like them! Take a look at the icons of our Church. In other words, to imitate Christ in human modesty and dress. If we are women, let us be truly women, with appreciation for our femininity and respect for our bodies. Let us reject the vanity of materialism -  and instead, teach our youth how truly attractive the Christian virtues of patience, humility and chastity are.

Let us adorn ourselves with inner embellishments of the soul, and discover beauty as God created it. Remember, our kids are watching! How will we explain that they don't need mascara, but we do?

ACTIVITY - Before revealing the lesson, pass out clear projector sheets and ask each young person to draw a self portrait of what they are wearing on that exact day. Include logos and t-shirt graphics, jewelry, make-up, hairstyles, hats, etc. Then gather them, and hold them up, one by one in front of an icon of Christ at the same approximate size 8.5x11. Ask your students.....can they see Christ through each person? Does Christ look a bit foolish with earrings? The final message is that we all bear the image and likeness of Christ and must show this to others in our appearance and very importantly, our actions. It is much easier to say we are Christians than it is to BE an Orthodox Christian.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Uprooting Passions in Children

"Do not neglect to uproot from the hearts of children the tares of sins, impure, evil and blasphemous thoughts, sinful habits, inclinations and passions; the enemy and the sinful flesh do not spare even children; the seeds of all sins are to be found in children too; show them the danger of sin on the path of life; do not hide sins from them lest through ignorance and want of comprehension they should be confirmed in sinful habits and attachments, which grow stronger and stronger and bring forth corresponding fruits when the children grow up." - St. John of Kronstadt

As parents and youth workers we face a common task to raise the children that God gave us in a holy manner. But correcting bad behaviors, and offering discipline is one of the areas most difficult, especially when we ourselves are struggling with our own passions like anger, lack of compassion, and little patience.

The good news is that every child created in His image has His grace, which acts as a checks and balance system within the conscience. However, children who grow up without confirmation from parents or other adults can become very confused. They test the waters, but cannot swim in the deep end of the pool without sinking, often without the spiritual tools to stay afloat.

Elder Porphyrios taught that, "Our religion wants children to learn the truth from an early age." He stated, "You must tell the truth for a person to learn it. Otherwise you sustain him in ignorance... so to a child you must tell the truth and scold it so that it knows what it is doing is not good."
He offers these suggestions as well, "The medicine and great secret for children's progress is humility... The children who come from humble parents do not get angry when their error is pointed out, but rather they try to correct it and pray that God may help them not to become egoists...Children should learn to seek God's help in everything."

For further reading, check out these 6 (edited) steps listed by St Tikhon in more depth at http://fr-d-serfes.org/orthodox/parents.htm

1. Remind them often of holy Baptism and that at that time they promised God to live decently and steadfastly, to serve Him with faith and righteousness, and to keep away from every evil and sin.

2. Repeat to them that we live not for this temporal life, for honor, glory, and riches in this world.

3. Let them understand Who is the God of Christians, and what He requires of us, that He hates evil and loves good...and to do what is pleasing to Him.

4. Enlighten their inward eyes as to Who Christ is and to our own sinfulness.

5. Teach them the Law of God, and tell them what the Law demands of us: That is, that we should love God and every man; and truly repent and correct ourselves for the day of Judgment.

6. Set before them the last things: death, Christ's judgment, eternal life, and eternal torment, that the fear of God may so abide in them and preserve them from every evil. Pour these and other things like milk into their young hearts, that they may mature in piety.

"Lord Jesus Christ, give Your light to my children. I entrust them to You. You gave them to me, but I am weak and unable to guide them, so, please illuminate them." - Prayer by Elder Porphyrios

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Orthodox Games On-the-Go

Lately, we have needed quick, on-the-go Orthodox fun. Below is what we've come up with that has brought much joy to us all with very limited supplies! Give these ideas a try:

"I'm thinking of an Orthodox Saint...." - One person starts by offering a few clues about a certain Saint in mind. Possibly if they are a soldier, or queen along with a detail of two from their life or martyrdom, relics or miracle stories. The person who guesses correctly, young or old, gets to go next!
This is a fun game for car rides or while waiting in line!

"Saint Flashcards" - This game is also great for a group. Call two children/adults up front, to stand side by side. The moderator begins by flashing these Orthodox cards to both at the same time and slightly cover the name.  The person wins the card by shouting out the correct Saint first. Keep count of which two people in the group have won the most correctly, for a final showdown. Winning is not as important as of course, brotherly sportsmanship!
An alternative is to have kids challenge the adults for two teams!

**Consider giving a prize, like an Orthodox chant CD or Book, Prayer rope, etc**
"Orthodox Charades "- Begin by writing down a single word that comes to mind about Orthodoxy on small strips of paper, to be folded and added to a basket. For example, "Jesus Prayer, Incense, Metanoia/Prostration, Martyr, Unction, Bishop, Icon, Altar, Monk, Prayer Rope, Mandili/Headscarf, etc"  Keep in mind you can use any language your group speaks! Sitting in a circle, or semi-circle begin with the first person who draws a word and must act it out in gestures for all to guess it without speaking! The person to guess correctly goes next, or play in teams and keep score of correct answers in a minute!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Canon for a Sick Child & Understanding Sickness

As parents and youth workers, this small Orthodox Canon empowers us 
by giving us the words to offer to our Lord during trials of sickness. I wish I could make the whole things available online for free, especially during recent viruses. Here's a sample, and I encourage you to purchase it from any of the several vendors online. (It is published by St. Paisios Monastery in Arizona with the blessing of the Serbian Hierarch.) 

++++++++   Canticle One  +++++++++

O Lord, show the power of Thy mercy!

O Lord, Thou Who arranges all for the salvation of mankind, receive my humble prayer for this child (name) who is being tried by illness and heal him (her), for Thou dost know his (her) sufferings. Permit him (her) not to suffer, O Lord, but raise him (her) quickly from this illness,
for Thou art good and the Lover of mankind.

O Lord, show the power of Thy mercy!

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, how great is the multitude of those whom Thou hast healed. The blind have obtained their sight, the deaf have received their hearing, the dumb have begun to speak, the lame have walked. Who has run to Thy help and not received healing?
We pray unto Thee: O Lord, heal this child who is suffering.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Orthodox Family Video for Pascha

Click below to watch this beautiful Orthodox video with English subtitles for your children and Church youth groups this year.

Without spoiling the end, it is remarkable how a young girl, named Seraphima spreads the message that "Christ is Risen" among other girls at an orphanage in Communist Russia.

It is sure to inspire every young person in their faith!

 Here is the link

Monday, December 3, 2018

Candy Cane Hunt

Try a "Candy Cane Hunt" with your families, friends, or parishes before Christmas this year. You can print out tags to wrap around each cane if you like with a short spiritual poem.

We usually have adults hide the candy canes off fences, tree branches, under low bushes and parking lot car mirrors then dismiss the youngest kids first, giving them a head start to gather candy for their brown lunch bags!

It's a great way to get out energy after the Divine Liturgy or during the days home from school!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Christmas Movie - The Star

Every holy-day season it seems Hollywood introduces a film to smear the true Christmas story and our holy Orthodox tradition with jokes, animation, wrongful depiction and false ideas of the persons of Jesus Christ, Mary, the Magi, etc. Last year (2017), the movie was called "The Star." 

I am convinced that when we "lighten up" and use humor for holy things the end is not entertainment, but a desensitization to holiness and destruction of true faith. It could be otherwise called blasphemy. They have put words into the onscreen mouths of individuals that never spoke them. And what children see.....children believe...
The Star

Alternatively, what children don't see....children will use their imagination to bridge the gap, for example, between what they see in an icon and the story they hear from the Gospel. Who today is explaining that Joseph was an honorable widow of 80 years and not the young strapping boyfriend to the most pure Virgin Theotokos?  (Buy this book here)

Therefore, here are a few Orthodox Christian videos from Youtube that I do promote, not for language as children look beyond words, but for the Orthodox graphics:




Lastly, if you do use video playlists to cast quality Orthodox programs to your TV, here is a playlist I have compiled over the years. I welcome you to send me any additions to review. Thanks be to God for all things, and may He bless the diligent workers in His vineyard who try to produce accurate and uplifting videos.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

How We Pray at Home with Children

It can sometimes be a very frustrating task, getting kids to cooperate at daily prayer times..beyond just meals that is. I'm
sharing the bare bones of our morning/evening routine with you, so that we might encourage each other in the daily struggle to teach our kids to pray with their whole  mind, body and soul: to learn that communicating with God is an ongoing relationship and gift of love that requires effort, attentiveness and sacrifice. Here is what we do....please comment and post your tips for others. May God strengthen and illumine us as parents!

MORNING PRAYERS - before breakfast and school
  • Stand and make the sign of the Cross or bows to begin
  • Light individual candles at vigil lamp (vigil lamp is constant flame in our home in front of our icons using olive oil as our continuous offering to God for His presence and blessing. A big void is noticed if this light goes out. Try it for a month and see!)
  • "Through the prayers of the holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen... (ADULT)
  • Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal.....3x    (ROTATE HAVING KIDS SAY THIS)
  • All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us, ....(ANOTHER KID)
  • Glory to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit...   (ANOTHER KID)
  • Our Father...etc   (Another KID)
  • Through the prayers of holy fathers.... (ADULT)
  • THEOS KURIOS   (We all chant this "God is the Lord, and has revealed Himself to us, blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord" with verses from Orthros)
  • (One) Morning Prayer (Having risen from sleep, we thank you o Christ our God....)
  • TIN TIN ME O TERA (We all chant "You are honored more than the Cherubim" with verses and one kid incenses icons and us)
  • Prayer for School  (I can post this if you want - we kneel for this )
  • 3 full body Prostrations saying Jesus prayer aloud. (We end every prayer time with this)
  • Through the prayers of holy fathers...."  (ADULT)
  • Venerate icons
  • Anoint foreheads with holy oil in a cross
  • Eat piece of dried antidoron 
  • Blow out candles
EVENING PRAYERS - much harder and abbreviated often because of bedtime behavior/silliness. Sometimes children listen to the prayers from their beds if unruly
  • Light candle at vigil lamp
  • Through the prayers of holy fathers.... (ADULT)
  • Holy God, Holy mighty, Holy Immortal.....3x    (ROTATE HAVING KIDS SAY THIS)
  • All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us, ....(ANOTHER KID)
  • Glory to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit   (ANOTHER KID)
  • Our Father...etc   (Another KID)
  • Through the prayers of holy fathers.... (ADULT)
  • FOS ILARON  (We chant "O Blessed Light" from Vespers)
  • Evening Prokeimenon  (changes for each day from Vespers)
  • "Grant Lord, to keep up this night without sin..."  (prayer from Vespers)
  • "Lord our God, if during this day, I have sinned...." (prayer while kneeling)
  • 3 full body prostrations saying Jesus Prayer aloud
  • Venerate icons
  • Lights out - sometimes adult reads life of Saint or Bible to fall asleep
Consider asking the kids to chant "Lord Have mercy (3x)" as a good break from Mom or Dad reading all the time. Lastly, consider quiet time for specific "Prayer Rope"to be said. Provide one for each child on car rides, or afterschool walks....praying for people by name. On the drive to Liturgy, read the Epistle/Gospel in your language, or share a feastday lesson. Listen to chanting or lives of Saints.

Of course there are several prayerbooks with prayer rules and prayers for specific needs, the six hours of daily prayer, unceasing Jesus prayer, etc. I simply only wish to offer an abbreviated version of what works in our family at this time.

 What do you do?

Friday, November 7, 2014

NEW Orthodox Book for Christmas

 "Children of all ages are invited to enter into the feast day of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ in this second book offered by the Sisters of All Saints Greek Orthodox monastery. Here you will find the rich and poetic words of Orthodox hymnography and illustrations based on traditional byzantine iconography. This humble offering will inspire every reader to worship and bow down to our Creator who became incarnate for our salvation."

ORDER NOW the second book of this series as a Christmas gift for your families. Contact the Sisters at hagionpanton@gmail.com

All Saints Greek Orthodox Monastery
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Direct Archdiocesan District
P.O. Box 802
1676 Middle Rd.
Calverton, NY 11933

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Parenting by Chrysostom

"When we teach our children to be good, to be gentle, and to be forgiving- all attributes of God; to be generous, to love their neighbor, to regard this present age as nothing, we instill virtue in their souls, and reveal the image of God within them. This then is our task: to educate both ourselves and our children in godliness; otherwise what answer will we have before Christ's judgment seat?...

Let us be greatly concerned for our wives and our children and for ourselves as well. The good God Himself will bring this work to perfection, so that all of us may be counted worthy of the blessings He has promised."

- St John Chrysostom  (Whose feast is celebrated today, Nov 13)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

An Idea for G.O.Y.A. Dances

If you're working with Orthodox teenagers, you may have been in the same predicament that I was a few years back...if so, give this idea a try the next time you're caught off guard. During Saturday night events, i.e. at basketball tournaments when usually a dance is scheduled, step up and "lead" from the microphone instead of the DJ having free reign. Here's what I suggest:

1. Keep your ears tuned in.
2. At the first "inappropriate" pop song played,
jump in, cutting the song short, re-introduce yourself and
initiate a trivia game.
3. Ask who knows the artist of the last played song
4. Who can name the title of that song?
5. Did I mention there are fantastic prizes at the end of the night?
6. Great - now announce that you're accepting song requests, and for anyone who suggests a good one which  reflects who **we** are, will be a lucky recipient of a prize (make it good, like a personal pizza to take back to the hotel!)

Repeat as often as needed - just please don't relinquish your trust to the DJ, and instead empower your teens to listen and take part in the music selection.Some parishes ask their teens to make a play list ahead of time. Other advisors have alternative songs in their back pockets - upbeat techno dance with minimal lyrics. Check out www.lyrics.com if you're uncertain, as you'll most likely be surprised: one night stands, oral sex, mistreatment of a person's dignity, bullying. and loss of virginity are all popular themes. Let us be strong against this desecration of our holy temples! We owe it to our young people!

If we can't offer teens a "holy"experience, than we're to blame and that my dear friends, will be our sin to answer for.

*** the we being Orthodox Christians ! ***

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Save My Sinful Mother - Saint Phanurius

The Great-martyr Phanurius and Newly Appeared of Rhodes is a fantastic Saint for kids to learn about. Most of us know him for his intercessions when we lose something! But did you know about the great faith he had to pray for the salvation of his mom? What a beautiful son and example for our children. This is a story all kids should hear!

Here is a brief description of his life from www.abbamoses.com

"Little is known of the holy Martyr Phanurius, except that which is depicted concerning his martyrdom on his holy icon, which was discovered in the year 1500 among the ruins of an ancient church on Rhodes, when the Moslems ruled there. Thus he is called "the Newly-Revealed." The faithful pray to Saint Phanurius especially to help them recover things that have been lost, and because he has answered their prayers so often, the custom has arisen of baking the Phaneropita ('Phanarius-Cake') as a thank-offering."
There is a tradition that his mother was a great sinner, and that he was unable to convert her in her lifetime. After her death he prayed more for her salvation than for his own. As he was being stoned to death, he prayed: 'For the sake of these my sufferings, Lord, help all those who will pray to Thee for the salvation of Phanurius' sinful mother.' So, in Egypt, where he is much revered, many Christians pray 'O Lord, save Phanurius' mother and help me, a sinner.'

Phaneropita Recipe

4 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup olive oil
1 cup sugar, plus
2 tablespoons sugar
2 oranges, juice and zest of, plus enough extra
2 cups fresh orange juice, in total
1/2 cup brandy or water
1 cup golden raisin
1 cup walnut, roughly chopped, toasted

* Preheat oven to 350°F.
* Butter and flour a 12-inch, round cake pan or a 9x13x2
* Mix the flour with the spices.
* In a bowl mix the oil, sugar, orange juice, brandy and orange zest.
* Mix well.
* Add the flour, the raisins and the walnuts.
* Mix well.
* Pour batter into prepared pan.
* Bake the Phaneropita for 45 min to an hour
* Insert a toothpick to see if it's ready

Allow to cool and decorate with powdered sugar if you'd like.
The Phaneropita is offered on either the eve of Aug 26 for Vespers, or for the Saints' feastday on August 27th. After the blessing, this special treat is divided for everyone to enjoy.

May our kids someday intercede for our souls with the same fervor!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Parent's Place to Hide

I usually avoid sharing anything personal on this blog - but this post might just relate to other Orthodox parents out there, so here goes.

As a mother of three small children, the day passes fast. With diapers and meals, I just about manage to say their prayers with them, in front of their iconostasis'. Each room it seems has its' share of breathtaking and inspiring icons, but something was missing I felt. Or was I simply making excuses for skipping out on my prayers? To be honest, a space just for me was the perfect solution.
So here it is. Our glorious utility closet. That's right...and it's perfect. The kids don't even know it exists!

Sure, you might say I'm surrounded by buckets and tennis rackets, ironing boards and boxes, but these are the items of our daily life. There is nothing 'unholy' there, and I sort of feel the presence of God and His Saints sanctifying even this space!

It has reminded me that despite singing spiritual songs with our children, reading Bible stories, and quietly saying the Jesus Prayer, nothing can replace the one-on-one time we need with God. A place to shut the door, empty our hearts and be faithful at any hour of the night, without anyone knowing we're there (well of course except you now! Shhhh, don't tell my kids!)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Spiritual Counsels of the Blessed Elder Thaddeus of Serbia +2002

"The spirits of evil interfere with children's minds ... and try to disturb them. A child should be taught obedience, especially before the 5th year; because that is the period in which the child's character develops. In this manner, learned character traits remain for the rest of the child's life. Parents should teach their children absolute obedience during that period. When a parent says something, the answer should be, 'Amen.' But today, unfortunately, parents do not know this, and teach their children quite the opposite. And so they grow up ..."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Elder Paisios on Marriage & Parenting

“One day a man came to my kalyve (hut) and told me he was very worried because he was not of the same mind with his wife. I saw, however, that there was nothing serious between them. He just had a few rough edges, his wife had a few others, and they couldn’t deal with one another. They needed a little sanding. Take two planks of wood before sanding them. One has a knot here, the other has a knot there; if you try to join the planks there is an empty space left between them. If, however, you sand one a little here and the other a little there, using the same tool, they join perfectly. *

…When spouses have different personalities it helps in the raising of children even more. One spouse wants to put on the brakes a little, but the other says, “Give the children a little freedom.” If they both are overbearing they will lose their children. If however, they leave them on their own, again their children will be lost. Therefore, when the parents have different personalities, the children enjoy a certain stability.”

**The Elder means that this work is done by the spiritual father and it is effective, only as long as the two spouses have the same spiritual father, in order that the sanding happens using “the same tool.”**

Abbreviated from the “Orthodox Heritage” pg 30, vol 7,  Issue 07-08

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Available on CD

On the Upbringing of Children -
Homilies by Bishop Irenaius

Never in the history of mankind has there been such a plethora of advice available to parents on how to raise their children. Regrettably, most often these books focus entirely on the child's adjustment to this world and blithely ignore his moral and spiritual development. There is precious little available to help Orthodox Christian parents prepare the child to become a citizen of Heaven. But what other goal of child-raising can even take a close second to this paramount objective? These 10 homilies of the late Bishop Irenaius of Russia (published in 1901) offer timeless, solid guidance on how to raise your child for the Kingdom of Heaven.

2 CDs totaling 1 hour & 52 minutes

Available at http://www.stpaisiusmonastery.org/music.htm

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Praying for Our Kids

My husband and I came across this most beautiful "Akathist to the Mother of God,
Nurturer of Children"
compiled by Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes which I highly suggest printing. It has added a dimension to my prayer life with words that seem to encompass all my thoughts and feelings! And who better suited to intercede for our kids than Panagia, the Mother of God. Here's a small sample...and the link to the full text which just takes a few minutes to pray.

Ikos 3

Having received my children from God, I do not desire to behold them dwelling in eternal torment, but rather to see them written in the Book of Life and made inheritors of eternal life. For Thy sake, O Most Pure Virgin, incline Thine ear to my supplication, as I cry to Thee:

Raise my children to flee eternal torment.
Raise my children to inherit life eternal.
Raise my children to pass the course of their life in Repentance.
Raise my children to labor to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Raise my children to exert effort to attaint the Kingdom of Heaven.
Raise my children to be written in the Book of Life.
Raise my children (names), O Lady, to be made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and make them heirs of eternal blessings.


At the end of this webpage, you can also find these additional prayers:

* Prayer of Parents to the Mother of God
* Prayer to the Guardian Angel
* Prayer for Children Who Have Difficulty Learning
* Prayer for Unborn Infants

These are also adaptable for Godparents and Grandparents. Enjoy~

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