"The solution is to be found through the sanctification of the parents. Become saints and you will have no problems with your children." Father Porphyrios , Wounded By Love

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Friday, August 20, 2021

THE HOLY FATHERS SAY- No Masks in the Orthodox Church!

MASKS in the Orthodox Church are:
1. Blasphemy to the Holy Spirit who resides inside the Temple. It introduces doubt and also the idea that the faithful may become infected from the temple of from his brother inside the temple.
2. It is contempt to the “in the image” it is a cover of the image of Christ, which eminently appears on our face.
3. It is in violation of the 62nd Canon of the Quinisext Ecumenical Synod which prevents us from wearing face coverings.
4. It is a violation of the commandment which states that we ought to worship God “having our face unveiled/uncovered: from 2 Corinthians 3:18, so that we see His Glory, communicating thus with our Lord and with our brothers face to face.
5. It is a distortion of the Orthodox worship. It is impossible to fulfill the liturgical act of venerating during the Divine Liturgy, the holy cons, the priests hand, the Holy Relics, all while wearing a mask. The above are commandments of the Lord, Who taught us how to officiate the Divine Liturgy. Additionally, it is a violation of the commandments of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Fathers, who determined that he who doesn’t kiss the Holy icons with his lips, becomes excommunicated according to the decrees of the 7th Ecumenical Council.
6. The Divine Worship (with the wearing of masks) is reminiscent of the carnivals. Our reverence is affected in general and more specifically during Holy Communion. How can he who has just communed wear a mask with the blood of Christ on his lips? • BLASHEMY OF THE MOST HOLY TRIUNE GOD • VIOLATION OF THE ORTHODOX FAITH (IN DOGMA) AND LIFE (ETHOS.) • A DISTORTION AND MOCKERY OF THE ORTHODOX WORSHIP • A VIOLATION AND CONTEMPT OF OUR CHRIST WHOM WE PUT ON AND WEAR THROUGH HOLY BAPTISM AS WE CARRY HIS IMAGE. • UNFAITHFULNESS AND IMPEITY PLEASE CONNECT YOURSELVES WITH SPIRIT-FILLED TEACHINGS OF TRUTH
As lay people, we must search and discern where the Truth is being perserved. Let us reply to our Bishops that we will NOT wear masks in the One, Holy, Apostolic Orthodox Church! This webpage is https://www.orthodoxtalks.com/section-one/
A Spiritual Pearl from the Psalms of King David “Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he will nourish thee; He will never permit the righteous to be shaken.” [Psalm 54(55):25]


Chris Keller said...

1. Church buildings can rot and be consumed by fire, or even made a pagan or idolatrous temple. They are not magic. It is not blasphemy to ascribe to such buildings the same qualities as all buildings, including airflow. Why would one be protected in all cases from viruses, if we admit that poison gas would have the usual effect, even in a Church building? If God performs a miracle, so be it, and He does, at times. But this is not a mechanical thing to claim in all cases.

2. The face is not the only part "made in the Image of God", and clothing of any kind covers the body. Are we to become nudists?

3. The canon clearly forbids masks that are part of pagan festivals, not all masks of all kinds. Is it impermissible to wear a mask when cutting wood with a saw, or when dealing with a dust-storm? This virus is simply a kind of "dust" which is particularly harmful to the body.

4. If our face must be uncovered totally, what to do we make of glasses or bandages? One may commune with God even with part of one's bodily face covered, so long as one presents their soul without reservation.

Orthodoxy believes God _can_ protect us, not that He _must_. We all become sick, and all will die. Why should this virus be a unique situation in which we are invincible?

OrthodoxEducation said...

Dear Chris:
Holy Orthodox Churches that are consecrated are in God's protection. They are NOT the same as every other building....they are HOLY spaces for HOLY purposes. The dirt is even sanctified. It contains the Holy of Holies. We may have turned His One Orthodox Church into a den of robbers and festivals....in such cases we should look to blame ourselves for being at fault. Not an ounce of radiation was found inside the Orthodox Church of Chernobyl per your comment of poisonous gases. Again however, the Orthodox Church as a Body of people is comprised of those of little faith.

2. 2 Corinthians is specific to our face being veiled when worshiping God

3. Cutting wood is not an act of worshiping one's God. We are discussing the time set aside for prayer and worship in which one willingly hides themself out of fear behind a mask. The world attempts to deny the exsistance of God by likening the Church building as the same as the grocry store building. If you are from a heretic faith outside of the True Church established by God in His Mighty Protection, than sure the Protestant or Building of Latter Day Saints is nothing more than bricks and mortar. There was "One Ark of Noah" which is the Orthodox Church and Ark of Salvation amongst a sea of imposter structures. They are not equal. This is the lie of Ecumenism and an act of denying One True Church to justify the numerous heresies of today.

4. A mask is not a band-aid or eye glasses. Those items do not prevent you or a priest from fulfilling your duty to worship God through venerating the Holy Relics of a Saint, or icons, or chanting or receiving the Eucharist. Of which, if a person has an actively bleeding wound on his mouth that requires a band-aid, that person is NOT to receive the Eucharist until the wound is healed.

Please consider these responses and may God illumine us all.

Unknown said...

Sure...germs exist everywhere, but INSIDE THE ORTHODOX CHURCH germs are deactivated and ineffective in the presence of the ONE TRIUNE GOD...that is what we should contemplate...how awesome and powerful is the God of the Christians!

cjameskeller said...

A church building is sacred, yes, but even priests have been slain at the altar, and folks may get a cold from being around others who are sick in the winter. We believe in miracles and holiness, not in magic.

Anonymous said...

Masks and giving holy communion on plastic spoons were Blasphemous. Unfortunately during the time of covid people allowed the passions guide them instead of our Lords will. When we depart from this world we have Eternal life with or Lord Jesus Christ in his heavenly kingdom. That's not something to fear.

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