Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Movie Review

Fr. Demetri has recently screened the movie "Come What May" and wishes to recommend it most highly to everyone on his e-mail list of over 1000 souls. Here is the website where the trailer can be viewed:

There are no professional actors or actresses. In fact, the majority of the characters are played by former home school students. In addition to the pro-life message, there are at least two excellent sub-messages as well: courtship over dating, and marriage commitment.

In Father's words, he stated,"There was a presence of goodness in this movie that actually touched my very soul. I hope that it will somehow make the theaters, but everyone should have a personal copy as well."

I have not personally seen this film yet, but if I do, I will be sure to post my thoughts as well. Anyone else heard of it?


  1. I watched the trailer. I love what his dad was saying - it's so simple, a 10 year old understands it.

    I wish people would understand that abortion is not a Women's Rights Issue.

  2. Thanks for sharing this...I'm going to put it on my blog as well.

  3. Thank you all for finding our movie, COME WHAT MAY, especially because of Fr. Demetri's wonderful review.

    We are honored and humbled that this little movie is inspiring people across the country to refocus their attention to "life" and realizing that Roe vs. Wade can indeed be overturned.

    Please consider purchasing a copy of the DVD for your own collection. It's the best way for us to pay back our investors and allow us to make many more similar films.

    Thank you again for your support.

    George Escobar
    Founder & President
    Advent Film Group
    Co-producer/director/writer of
    "Come What May"
