For the feast of the Cross on September 14, our classes have enjoyed putting on a skit re-enacting how St Helen found the Cross of Christ. It does not need much planning ahead of time, and most items you have at home!
Assign the parts:
Main points:
**Note: this feast is always a strict fast day**
You'll need:
- An icon of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- Dark blanket for the earth/dirt
- Three large crosses cut from cardboard
- One shovel or more, plastic from sandbox will do
- A crown for St Helen, colored paper taped round
- If you choose, second crown for St Konstantine
- A Bishops' garment -drape a cloth around the neck and pin
- Fresh basil, found at site of buried crosses
- Extra: a cardboard coffin / tomb

Assign the parts:
- St Helen and her entourage on the pilgrimage to Jerusalem...those who will dig!
St Konstantine, her son the King, who was not present actually, but part of history - Jude, the secret Jewish man, who helped find the way to Golgotha
- A child for the corpse in funeral passing by
- Bishop Makarios, Archbishop of Jerusalem, who will exalt the Cross and lead the procession
- The rest of the class are the faithful believers following the procession!
Main points:
- St Helen begins pilgrimage
- Stops to ask Jude for directions
- Finds Golgotha, where crosses are hidden under basil & blanket
- Begin digging
- Finds first cross
- Finds second cross
- Finds third cross
- Places Crosses over corpse of passing funeral. Nothing happens at first two.
- Third cross raises the corpse back to life!
- Bishop exalts the Cross, begins procession to Jerusalem, get everyone walking! Journey to another part of your parish into the Sanctuary if you can!
- All involved chant and venerate the Cross.
**Note: this feast is always a strict fast day**
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