St. Clement of Rome wrote: "Come to the saints, for they who cleave to them shall be made holy."
There are no greater stories to share with our children and teens than from the lives of the Saints. No movie could compare! You want adventure, encounters with
wild animals, travels to foreign lands, superhuman feats, and miracles unbelievable to the human eye?
Look no further!
Unlike fictional characters, the Saints exist, and ARE real. Children never have to stop believing in them like the tooth fairy, santa, or the boogy man! The Saints, whom make up the Church Triumphant, serve the Church militant, us, who are still marching along in this world fighting against the passions. They illumine the way for us to follow, and when we share their lives with our young people, the same seeds of virtue will be planted in our souls. We will be drawn to imitate them with great conviction to change our lives according to a more holy path.

Saints for specific needs
Online Lives of the Saints
OCA Saints
Saints by Name & Month
Father Serfes Saints
Greek Archdiocese Calendar

Daily Lives Calendar (My Favorite)
A Child's Paradise of Saints
Christina's Hero's
40 Saints: Teachers Text
Prologue of Ohrid
St Dionysios (Others like this also available)
Synaxarion Series (Many volumes, but worth it)
"Our Church honors saints not as gods, but as faithful servants, holy men and friends of God." - St.Nektarios Metropolitan of Pentapolis (+1920)
Thanks for the various resources! We should definitely read the lives of the saints to our kids every day!
St. Nikolai's *Prologues* online at the Serbian Orthodox Church (Western American Diocese) site:
Our children love them read before bedtime.
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